Astro Gateway

This product animation was created to introduce the Amazon Astro to the world. My animation lived on the “gateway” banner, the most important retail banner on the internet.

A simple CG scene, tied to reality; wood paneling textures and lighting references were pulled directly from the presentation space where Astro’s capabilities would be demonstrated to the world.

According to customer data, my animations directly impacted customer traffic. Data revealed in the September 2021 Homepage Takeover Study stated that a “sizeable boost” in page impression and clicks were “aided by motion in the hero”. In the 48 hours during the homepage takeover, my hero motion element successfully “drove more awareness (287M impressions, +51% YOY) and clicks (10.4m, +35% YOY) over previous years static graphics”. Participants in the RADUX study specifically “recalled seeing [my animated] robot moving in the hero”.

  • Austin Hochstatter

    CG Lead

  • Allati El Henson

    Art Direction


Device Refresh


Home Hardware