“Forget the inspection, the dead are over here.”

— Ashes of Titan

XCM expressed their interest in leading our motion team in a new direction to pursue projects for Prime Video. Our sights were set on creating show package content (title sequences, promotional graphics, etc) for Prime Originals. Our team had a limited portfolio, so our CD asked that I create a speculative piece.

We had a name (Ashes of Titan) and a few motion tests, but this wasn’t enough to carry us. To fight burnout, I approached the project like a designer would had a client actually awarded the job. But first, I needed a story. So I wrote a script! Read here. I listened to this playlist as I outlined the narrative.

  • David Viau

    Creative Director

  • Austin Hochstatter

    Art Direction

  • Ian Frederick

    3D Modeling

  • Ryan Eastham

    Designer + Animator

  • Andrew Nam

    Designer + Animator

